Gateway has seen a 35% to 40% decrease in church donations, according to church elder Kenneth Fambro.
Now almost two weeks later, staff members at Animal Hospital on Milam Road are still housing and caring for dogs that were separated from their families or injured in the tornadoes that hit Valley View and Sanger during Memorial Day weekend.
For the past several years, out-of-town developers and development-related political action committees donating to the local politicians’ campaigns has been an issue that one council member and former mayoral candidate argued affected the public’s confidence.
Christmas trees and ornaments, wreaths, presents and hot cocoa. All are synonymous with Christmas.
Americans likely will waste 312 million pounds of food this Thanksgiving, according to ReFED, a nonprofit focused on reducing food waste.
The law passed last year says schools must display the national motto in a “conspicuous place” but only if the poster is “donated” or “purchased by private donations.”
The 12-acre complex will include a performance hall and two museums.
A perfect storm of COVID, blood drive cancellations and the calendar has created a national blood shortage. Here’s how it’s affecting Texas.
The hospital is trying to replenish a toy shortage caused by the pandemic and winter storm.
Got canned goods? Laundry detergent? Dallas Love Field Airport needs your help. Through Feb. 1, the airport plans to collect non-perishable food and…
Giving USA has been crunching charitable numbers for 60 years and 2014’s total of just over $358 billion was an all-time high. Four out of every five of…
The University of Texas at Arlington has received the largest philanthropic gift in its history- $7.5 million to install equipment designed for advanced…