A perfect storm of COVID, blood drive cancellations and the calendar has created a national blood shortage. Here’s how it’s affecting Texas.
Increased vaccination rates are leading to people having more elective procedures, but fewer people are donating blood to be able to conduct them.
Some blood banks in North Texas are worried about a blood shortage. They're now offering COVID-19 antibody tests as an added service and incentive to…
Time's running short for Carter BloodCare. The Texas-based blood bank says blood collections are not keeping pace with transfusion needs of hospital…
During the holidays when thoughts turn to gift giving, organizations like American Red Cross and Carter Blood Care tend to see fewer donations. Dr. Lesley…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/kera/local-kera-995759.mp3Dallas, TX –Often during holiday periods, you'll hear more appeals for blood…