Jacob Sanchez | Fort Worth Report
Enterprise ReporterJacob Sanchez is an enterprise reporter for the Fort Worth Report. His work has appeared in the Temple Daily Telegram, The Texas Tribune and the Texas Observer. He is a graduate of St. Edward’s University. Contact him at jacob.sanchez@fortworthreport.org or via Twitter.
The school board’s discussion is the beginning of a long road toward shrinking FWISD’s campus numbers in face of declining enrollment.
The posts come after President Donald Trump issued a directive allowing immigration officers to operate in schools and churches.
Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker opposes an idea being bandied about by Keller ISD trustees that would see the north Tarrant County district split into two separate independent school districts.
Interim Superintendent Karen Molinar directed more than 140 specialists and content coordinators in every central office department to directly work with students. The effort is part of Molinar’s larger push to turn around the school district’s lagging student achievement.
Trustees unanimously approved Dec. 2 the hiring of longtime educator Jerry Hollingsworth as the northwest Fort Worth and Tarrant County school district’s next superintendent. He officially starts leading the district Jan. 1. He was given a two-year contract.
The fourth graders at the Leadership Academy Network at Como Elementary needed to place the decimal 0.7 on a number line using the letter Z. With their index fingers, students circled each point representing a whole number and drew arcs on each of the four answer choices displayed on their iPads.
Fort Worth ISD Deputy Superintendent Kellie Spencer was direct in her remarks to the school board: Inflation is hitting the 2021 bond hard.
The 2024 election marks the first open race for the seat since U.S. Rep. Kay Granger’s election in 1996. She has served nearly three decades in Congress.
State Rep. Craig Goldman and Democrat Trey Hunt want to represent Texas’ 12th Congressional District.
The school board is interviewing candidates to succeed retiring Superintendent Jim Chadwell, whose last day is Jan. 31, 2025. Trustees plan to have a lone finalist for the job as early as November and no later than January, school board President Marilyn Tolbert said during an Oct. 28 meeting.
The free 10-week intervention program helped 52 students — nearly all of whom were reading below their grade level — advance at least one grade level during the initiative’s three months, according to a new report released Oct. 29. Parent Shield sees the program as a solution for Fort Worth’s low reading rates, but the biggest hurdle is the cost, the organization’s leaders said.
An internal Fort Worth ISD investigation into a racist incident during a football game between North Side and Arlington Heights high schools was inconclusive, according to district officials.