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Texas State Fire Marshal To Release Report On West Fertilizer Investigation

BJ Austin
The results of an investigation into the West fertilizer explosion will be released Thursday.

Officials from the Texas State Fire Marshal's Office plans to present the findings of its investigation into the deaths of first-responders in last year's explosion of a fertilizer plant.

Agency officials will meet with residents of the community of West later Thursday to discuss what it learned about the deaths of 10 first-responders and two volunteers in the blast at the West Fertilizer Co. plant.

State Fire Marshal Chris Connealy said Wednesday that he would discuss the findings after meeting with the victims' families. Several investigations are examining the circumstances surrounding the blast.

A federal investigation concluded that the firefighters didn't know enough about what they faced inside the plant. It was storing 40 to 60 tons of ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer that is also an industrial explosive.