A new project from the Center for BrainHealth at UT Dallas is encouraging people to think about brain health before something goes wrong.
To help combat the mental stress that police officers face on the job, the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas has developed a…
Some things will decline as we get older — that’s inevitable.Physical strength, balance and endurance erode, our eyesight worsens, women quickly lose bone…
This week, the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas is starting construction on a new institute – and it’s shaped like a brain.The…
144,000 Texans sustain a traumatic brain injury each year—that’s one every 4 minutes. For those who survive there’s often cognitive and psychological…
Trying to remember a grocery list or a phone conversation isn’t always easy. And it turns out, there are certain thoughts that may make these types of…
Research has shown that growing up in poverty can negatively affect the wiring – and even the physical dimensions – of a child’s brain. As part of KERA’s…
The brain of a middle school child is a mystery. If you’re a parent, you may have found yourself saying “What were you thinking?” or “Use your brain”.…
The Pentagon estimates that one in every five veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffered at least one mild concussion. Since 2007, the military…