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Top Stories: Despite State Voter Education Campaign, A Study Found ID Confusion

Gus Contreras

The top local stories this morning from KERA News:

A voter education campaign failed to prevent confusion about the state’s voter ID rules ahead of the 2016 general election.

The University of Houston study found nearly 60 percent of non-voters surveyed believed everyone who showed up to the polls had to present approved photo ID. They didn’t know they could bring alternative documents under the changes. Latinos were less also likely than non-Hispanic whites to accurately understand the requirements.

The study’s findings come after a state judge ruled for a second time that Texas lawmakers crafted the voter ID law with an intent to discriminate against minorities.

Other stories this morning:

  • A bill that would abolish Dallas County Schools gets a state Senate committee hearing this morning. The agency provides transportation services to 12 North Texas school districts. In recent years, DCS has been accused of financial mismanagement, unreliable service, and dangerous driving.
  • An 18-year-old charter school is about to shut down in southern Dallas. The state says Focus Academy has failed to improve bad ratings three years running. 
  • The Moody Foundation in Galveston has offered $12 million to help the AT&T Performing Arts Center in Dallas pay off its $27 million debt. If the city council renames City Performance Hall to Moody Performance Hall, the foundation will give another $10 million to establish a grant program for small and emerging arts groups in the city.

You can listen to North Texas stories weekdays at 8:22 a.m. and 6:20 p.m. on KERA 90.1 FM.

Former KERA staffer Krystina Martinez was an assistant producer. She produced local content for Morning Edition and She also produced The Friday Conversation, a weekly series of conversations with North Texas newsmakers. Krystina was also the backup newscaster for the Texas Standard.