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Perry On Jade Helm Controversy: Military Is 'Quite Trustworthy'

Former Gov. Rick Perry during an earlier appearance on "CBS This Morning."

Former Gov. Rick Perry said Tuesday citizens should trust the military amid concerns about a training exercise scheduled to begin this summer in Texas that has riled conspiracy theorists. 

“I think it’s OK to question your government — I do it on a pretty regular basis," Perry told reporters before a luncheon for the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth. "The military's something else."

"You know, I think our military is quite trustworthy," Perry added. "Civilian leadership – you can always question that, but not the men and women in uniform.” 

Perry's successor, Greg Abbott, has asked the Texas State Guard to keep an eye on the exercise, known as Jade Helm 15. The two-month simulation is slated to start in July in states throughout the Southwest. Its skeptics believe it is a covert effort to institute martial law. 

Abbott has taken some heat for getting involved, including from a former longtime GOP lawmaker. On Monday, Abbott defended the move, saying he is simply working to provide information to concerned citizens.

The Texas Tribune provided this story.