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Watch Live: Katie The Giraffe Has Given Birth To A Baby Calf At The Dallas Zoo

Animal Planet
Katie, a Dallas Zoo giraffe, is about to give birth – and it’s being streamed live on Animal Planet.";s:

We have some breaking news to report – of the baby giraffe variety. Katie, a Dallas Zoo giraffe, has given birth – and it’s being streamed live.


Animal Planet has teamed up with the zoo to broadcast the birth. Her pregnancy generated a lot of buzz online.


Katie went into labor shortly after 5 p.m. Friday. The baby arrived at 6 on the dot.

Katie gave birth in a special maternity stall to give her some space from the rest of the herd -- and a place to bond with the calf.

Fellow giraffes surrounded the stall to watch Katie give birth.

No word on a name just yet, but mama and baby were already cuddling – Katie was giving her newborn that all important first bath -- a few long licks. 

Update: It's a girl! 


Watch the livestream here:

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

You’re more likely to see Katie around 5 p.m., when she eats dinner and “settles in for the evening,” Animal Planet says.


Meet another baby giraffe


The Dallas Zoo welcomed another baby giraffe last fall. Watch this zoo video:

Eric Aasen is KERA’s managing editor. He helps lead the station's news department, including radio and digital reporters, producers and newscasters. He also oversees, the station’s news website, and manages the station's digital news projects. He reports and writes stories for the website and contributes pieces to KERA radio. He's discussed breaking news live on various public radio programs, including The Takeaway, Here & Now and Texas Standard, as well as radio and TV programs in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.