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Big Tex Gets A New Voice

BJ Austin

Big Tex has a new voice. The State Fair’s Sue Gooding confirms the selection from 111 applicants. 

The Fair is not announcing ‘the voice’ until September 27th, opening day of the Fair and debut of the new Big Tex. The 60 year old icon was destroyed in an electrical fire the final weekend of the Fair last year.

Gooding says when a selection committee heard the four finalists, there was no doubt.

“The committee ranked those four voices and were unanimous in all aspects of the ranking of those voices,” Gooding said, adding that all the recorded auditions showed a real passion.

Gooding says all  four finalists matched the traditional sound and flavor of the half-a-dozen previous  Big Tex voices.  Bill Bragg, the most recent voice, was fired over contractual issues.

She says the new voice is from North Texas and is a perfect fit for a  “55-foot” tall Cowboy.  Yes, the new Big Tex will be three feet taller.

Former KERA reporter BJ Austin spent more than 25 years in broadcast journalism, anchoring and reporting in Atlanta, New York, New Orleans and Dallas. Along the way, she covered Atlanta City Hall, the Georgia Legislature and the corruption trials of Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards.