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Heritage Foundation Says No To Boy Scouts' Proposed Gay Ban Compromise

Bill Zeeble

The conservative Heritage Foundation says national Boy Scout leaders are pulling a  bait and switch with a proposal that would change the current gay ban policy.  

Next week, scout executives gathering in Grapevine will consider allowing in gay youth scouts.  Heritage Foundation supporters, including Ed Whelan, with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, want no change to the blanket gay ban.

" They’re trying to snooker and bamboozle local scout leaders and parents to embrace a proposal that isn’t sustainable and that will lead in short order to a wholesale abandonment of the existing policy  against openly gay adult leaders," Whelan said. 

The Boy Scouts of America, however, says the proposed policy change is in line with Scouting’s principles and virtues.

Bill Zeeble has been a full-time reporter at KERA since 1992, covering everything from medicine to the Mavericks and education to environmental issues.