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President John F. Kennedy's assassination is an unforgettable part of Dallas' history.Nearly 54 years later, scholars and enthusiasts alike are still processing details from that fateful drive through Dealey Plaza now that the remaining investigation files have been unsealed. For the 50th anniversary in 2013, KERA produced special stories and reports from the commemoration:The 50th: Remembering John F. Kennedy was KERA's live, two-hour special covering the official commemoration event at Dealey Plaza in Dallas on Nov. 22, 2013. Hosted by Krys Boyd and Shelley Kofler, the special includes reports from KERA reporters before the ceremony begins. Listen to the special here.Bells tolled across the city, and the event featured historian David McCullough, who read from Kennedy’s presidential speeches; Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings; religious leaders; the U.S. Naval Academy Men’s Glee Club; and a moment of silence. Read highlights from the event from KERA's live blog from that day.Throughout the month, KERA posted an online series called 22 Days In November, which takes a closer look at that fateful day, what it meant to the country and how it affected Dallas.We shared stories and memories in a series called “JFK Voices.” Explore our archives below.

Dallas To Mark 50 Years Since JFK's Assassination

Bill Zeeble

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings is asking the entire nation to join Dallas in a moment of silence November 22n , 2013 at 12:30pm. That's when Dallas will go silent, then hold its memorial of the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas.

Mayor Rawlings says nearly a half century later, Kennedy’s assassination lives with us still, especially for those old enough to remember the tragic events of November 22, 1963.

"His death forever marked our city. But his life changed the world. The entire country and world will be looking on Dallas this time next year. November 22, 2013."

Rawlings says that’s why the memorial’s tone will be extremely important.

"We want to mark this day by remembering a great president with a sense of dignity and honor he deserves. The 50th will be a serious, respectful and understated public memorial," Rawlings said.

Bells across Dallas will ring five minutes prior to the moment of silence. In Dealey Plaza, the site of the assassination, thousands of citizens are expected in the free, ticketed event. Video screens will be assembled for the crowds farther away.

Pulitzer prize-winning historian David McCullough will speak and offer quotes from President Kennedy. Dallas schools will spend the day teaching about Kennedy and his request asking citizens to give back to their nation. Former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk, now the U.S. Trade Representative, says it’s wise the city and county are taking control of this event. He says the whole world will be watching.

"Like it or not, this is inseparable from our history. Particularly I think shaping Dallas for the better after the tragic events because it forced us into a level of retrospection that we might not otherwise have experienced, and I think we’ve become a much more wholesome community," Kirk said. In honor of President Kennedy’s World War II Navy service as a PT boat commander, the Navy chorus will sing several selections. The 45-minute memorial will end with a military flyover.

Bill Zeeble has been a full-time reporter at KERA since 1992, covering everything from medicine to the Mavericks and education to environmental issues.