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Campaign Against Animal Cruelty Rolls Into Dallas

By BJ Austin

Dallas, TX –

The group "Mercy for Animals" parked its truck outside El Centro College in downtown Dallas during lunchtime. Event coordinator, Phil Letten says the truck's 80-inch screens depict animal cruelty on so-called factory farms.

Letten: They are crammed in cages and stalls that are so small they're barely able to move, turn around, lie down, or even spread their limbs. So, when I learned about this cruelty, I knew I had to do something.

Letten wants federal laws that protect "farm animals", and urges people to "go vegetarian."

Most people passed by without comment. But Ashley Berens and Tamika Bee says stopped to look. Berens says It really makes you think twice about what you eat. Tamika Bee says she doesn't eat beef or pork, but does eat chicken. Reporter: But, this wouldn't change your mind about anything? Bee: No, not about chicken. Who's producing the chicken. That's the question.

Dallas is the sixth stop for Mercy for Animals -- on a 41-city tour of the U.S.