By Shelley Kofler, KERA News
Flower Mound, TX – Opponents of a natural gas site in Flower Mound have won the first round, but the drilling company plans to fight back. KERA's Shelley Kofler has the latest in a battle over urban drilling in the Denton County community.
The 90-acre site proposed for gas drilling is known as the Hilliard tract. It sits on FM 2499, a major Flower Mound thoroughfare.
Fort Worth-based Titan Operating wants to build a pad site that could accommodate up to 20 natural gas wells.
But late Wednesday opponents armed with a petition and more than 1,000 signatures argued the site is too urban and too close to schools, homes and businesses.
Opponent Tammy Vajda says it would be the first thing Flower Mound visitors would see.
Vajda: I just don't think this is the spot for it. We are just trying to save our property values. We're trying to save our air quality. We're trying to preserve our quality of life.
Schumacher: They don't want gas drilling in an urban setting period.
That's Titan Operating President Mark Schumacher. He says his company asked for some exceptions to the city ordinance so the drilling would be located on the least visible part of the property.
Since opponents didn't go for that Schumacher says Titan may propose drilling in a spot that's easy to see because it meets the current ordinance.
Schumacher: A gentleman who has 90 plus acres, Mr. Hilliard, and it's greater than 1,000 feet from any school, home, or public park should have the opportunity to have his minerals developed.
This skirmish is just the latest between Flower Mound residents who want to cash in on natural gas beneath their properties, and residents who've organized for tougher regulations. The tougher regulation crowd recently elected a council that plans to add new limitations to Flower Mound's gas drilling ordinance.
Titan Operating's president says his company may have to take their case for the Hilliard tract to court.