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There May Be Health Coverage For Houston Tracy

By Bill Zeeble, KERA News

Dallas, TX – Blue Cross Blue Shield says there may be a solution to the baby born this month who needed life-saving heart surgery. The infant did not qualify for health insurance because of condition. KERA's Bill Zeeble explains.

Houston Tracy was born several weeks ago needing heart surgery to survive. He got the operation, but Blue Cross denied the child coverage saying he had a pre-existing condition.

If Houston's mother had her own policy, she could have signed the boy up in the first month, but she lacked her own policy.

Blue Cross says it regrets the frustration the Tracy's are feeling but privacy laws prevent them from discussing specifics of care or coverage. Still, Blue Cross says it has responded in writing to Mr. Tracy over the weekend and has proposed a solution to address the family's concerns.

One possible option may involve special coverage provided through The Texas Department of Insurance. It offers health care policies for those who are difficult to cover.

Email Bill Zeeble