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North Texas Auto Workers like Volcker

By Shelley Kofler, KERA News

Arlington, TX –
The head of the auto workers union at Arlington's GM plant agrees with House Speak Nancy Pelosi. Union President JR Flores says Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker is a good choice for "car czar." Flores believes Volcker would act conservatively.

Flores: Cautious, very cautious. We like that. Not someone who is going to just jump in and say, "I'm running the company now. I'm going to tell you how to do things." He would sit back. He's used to working with facts and numbers. So I believe he would probably be a good one.

Speaker Pelosi recommended Volcker for "car czar" saying he's bipartisan and his background qualifies him for the job. President Bush will name a czar as early as this week.