As early voting got underway Monday, two groups held news conferences to voice their opposition to three controversial Dallas city charter amendments. The Dallas Police Association and a coalition of Latino elected officials echoed a common message – they urged voters to vote 'no' on Propositions S, T and U, which would impact public safety and city governance.
The officers are accused of severely injuring people during protests in downtown Dallas.
Dallas police officers will receive additional rifle-resistant vests. City council approved state funding.
More than 800 Dallas police officers have completed a new training that aims to teach them how to best intervene if they see potential misconduct by another officer.
In Houston, police say there are solvable property crime cases with no one to solve them. Dallas officers are taking more time to respond to fewer…
One of the most difficult challenges for police after traumatic events, like the July 7 shootings, is getting officers the counseling and mental health…
Dallas police officers have been leaving the force in droves in recent years, most of them going to other North Texas departments. They’re heading out…
Several police associations want Dallas Chief David Brown out. Dozens of local, state and national representatives and officers held a press conference…