Two of the biggest names in the 2016 presidential derby are in Dallas today: Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and brother of the ex-president, talked with the Dallas World Affairs Council. And Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and first lady, will speak to a closed meeting of housing executives tonight.
Both are in town for Thursday's dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Center.
Jeb Bush told a lunch meeting of the World Affairs Council that he favors a path to citizenship or residency for undocumented immigrants, as long as “it’s the right path.”
"Coming legally should be easier, with less friction, cost and risk, than coming illegally," he said. "If we flush out the people that have been waiting, and that going forward our borders are controlled, then you have a system where it’s easier to come legally than illegally.”
The former Florida governor favors a proposed bipartisan Senate immigration reform bill that would offer citizenship to immigrants after 13 years of meeting certain requirements. Some of those requirements, in addition to the controlled border, 10 crime-free years, payment of back taxes, a fine and continued employment. The undocumented immigrant would get a green card after a decade and could apply for citizenship three years later.