Steve Mullis
Dr. Joseph Varon, chief of critical care at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, says his staff is overworked, exhausted and emotionally drained.
Russell Jeung, a professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University, describes harassment, assault and microaggressions against Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic.
Inslee says the policies he's enacted in his state on the environment, the economy and health care are the same progressive actions he'd take if elected president.
The Democratic presidential candidate wants to decriminalize border crossing and argues that President Trump's proposed "merit-based" immigration system "says that only certain people have merit."
The New York senator and 2020 presidential candidate tells NPR's Rachel Martin that President Trump and some Republican legislators are taking the country in a direction it does not want to go.
While Apple's apologies and response to its slowing down of older phones might help on the public relations front, the legal issues are another matter.
Correspondents, editors and producers from our newsroom share the pieces that have kept them reading, using the #NPRreads hashtag. Each weekend, we highlight some of the best stories.
The premise of #NPRreads is simple: Correspondents, editors and producers from our newsroom share the pieces that have kept them reading and each weekend, we highlight some of the best stories.
A history of transphobia in Hollywood, an eye-opening look at the way the Dead Sea is dying, and an examination of evictions in America's poor communities.
Read about the mental health of Black Lives Matter activists, what happens when authorities shoot a hospital patient and racial insensitivity in the workplace.
Revisit the obituaries of prominent black leaders, mull the ethics of photography and hear from a former NFL star about why he regrets ever playing football.
Pao has been at the center of a controversy following the still-unexplained dismissal of a popular figure in the site's r/IAmA section. She is being replaced by Steve Huffman, the site's original CEO.