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Mary Rose Madden

Mary Rose is a reporter and senior news producer for 88.1 WYPR FM, a National Public Radio member station in Baltimore. At the local news desk, she assigns stories, organizes special coverage, edits news stories, develops series and reports.

She’s written for award-winning series such as "Growing up Baltimore," "Baltimore '68: The Fire Last Time," as well as “On the Watch: Fixing the Fractured Relationship Between Baltimore’s Police and Its Communities.”

She’s covered stories from the foreclosure crisis to the horse-racing industry, from the alarming high school dropout problem in Baltimore to a traditional college marching band gone hip-hop. She reported on the rights American Indians have – or rather don’t have – to their ancestors’ remains in Maryland. And with this reporting, state legislators signed a law that would change that.

She's reported from Rwanda for The International Reporting Project and won a national award for her story on the children who were born of rape during the 1994 genocide.

She’s filed for the national desk of npr numerous times, the show Marketplace, and reported two investigative longform stories for the award-winning national show and podcast, Reveal.

Before entering journalism, she worked in the social development of children and families and worked in a hospice providing support to families.

She’s a graduate of Loyola University Maryland.

Email Mary Rose.