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Irving ISD Headed Back To Court; Suit Targets Lack Of Hispanics On School Board

Rosa Say

The Irving Independent School District has again been sued. The suit argues a new election map and the new voting scheme still deny Hispanics a fair chance to get on the school board.

Trustees recently changed the voting system from seven trustees elected city wide to five from single districts, with only two picked city-wide. The plan increases the likelihood of a Latino victor. Attorney

Bill Brewer represents failed school board candidate Manuel Benavidez, bringing the suit. Benavidez wants seven single member districts. Brewer says the 5-2 scheme uses bad census data.

"They were looking at Latinos within different areas. But of course what matters is you should draw districts not just to have a majority of Latinos living in them but a majority of Latino citizens of voting age."

A majority of Irving ISD students are Hispanic, but there are no Latino trustees.  Brewer’s client wants two majority Hispanic districts.

In a statement, Irving ISD said it hadn’t seen the suit but everyone has a right to contest issues. The superintendent said upon notification, the board and school attorney could discuss possible action next Monday. 

Benavidez Complaint


Bill Zeeble has been a full-time reporter at KERA since 1992, covering everything from medicine to the Mavericks and education to environmental issues.