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A Public Charter School At A Private College Is A First For Texas

Bill Zeeble
View across Paul Quinn's campus of the science building. Once renovated, it'll house the Trinity Environmental Academy charter school. Students now attend classes in Sunday school classrooms adjacent to the AME Church on campus

A new environmental charter school is located on the campus of Paul Quinn College in southern Dallas. Officials say the partnership between a public elementary school and private college is a first in Texas.

Texas public colleges, including Dallas County Community College District, UT-Austin and some others, partner with charter schools.

Paul Quinn College President Michael Sorrell isn't sure why his is the only private college in the state to create a charter school partnership.

“People don’t tend to believe things they’ve never seen before,” Sorrell says. “Lots of places still have an uneasiness about charter schools. Lots of old-line educators still express some issues.”  

Sorrell says money’s not the reason.  Trinity Environmental Academy uses existing buildings, and the charter is leasing the space.

He knows and believes in the school’s creators, and says the concept’s a good fit for Paul Quinn. After all, a few years back, the historically black college got rid of its football field, turning it into a giant garden. The campus also sits in a low-income community with few resources, Sorrell says.

Credit Duke Sanford School of Public Policy
Duke Sanford School of Public Policy
Michael Sorrell is president of Paul Quinn College. He sees the Trinity Environmental Academy as a good for the historically Black college

“You’re attracting a part of your community to campus that probably wouldn't be there on a daily basis,” Sorrell says. “You’re expanding how people view your institution. You’re creating a college-going culture among a segment of students that probably can benefit. … Well, all students can benefit from that.”

Sorrell is confident the charter will succeed, having rejected other plans in the past. But he says that misses the point. Because even if the charter fails, he says Paul Quinn’s better off just for making the effort. 

Bill Zeeble has been a full-time reporter at KERA since 1992, covering everything from medicine to the Mavericks and education to environmental issues.