The Texas Debates: Race for U.S. Senate - Paul Sadler vs. Grady Yarbrough

KERA will host a second U.S. Senate debate between the Democrats who finished first and second in the May primary. Former state representative Paul Sadler and retired educator Grady Yarbrough will tape a one-hour television debate that will be broadcast on KERA Channel 13 on Wednesday, June 27 at 7 p.m. and in other Texas markets at various times.
Watch the debate:
Paul Sadler
Age: 57 Residence: Henderson, TX
Professional/Political Experience: Baylor University Law School; Texas House of Representatives 1991-2003, Chair of legislative public education committees; Executive Director, Wind Coalition 2008-2012.
TexasConnection: Born in Freer, TX; John B. Connally “Award for Excellence in Education,” Just For The Kids Foundation.
Why I am the best candidate: Let’s face it — from Austin to Washington, our political system is broken. The people of Texas deserve a government that works. I’m running for the U.S. Senate because I know our seat in that hallowed chamber doesn’t belong to one political party or to the other. It belongs to the people of Texas. It’s time to return fierce independence and Texas integrity to the United States Senate.
Top Priorities: Creating new jobs; Supporting the nation’s public schools; Achieving energy independence.
Official Website:
Grady Yarbrough
Age: 75 Residence: San Antonio , TX
Professional/Political Experience: Texas College ; Prairie View A & M; Public high school teacher for 50 years in Chicago , IL , and Texas .
Texas Connection: Born in Tyler , TX ; Attended two of Texas’ Historically Black Colleges & Universities during segregation.
Why I am the best candidate: I bring new and fresh ideas that haven’t been explored before. My plans can save Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I propose a 50/50 plan where the Department of Labor splits minimum wage costs with employers to put people back to work. I would finance it by eliminating oil subsidies and tax breaks for those who don’t need them.
Top Priorities: Creating jobs; Immigration reform; Removing US troops from Afghanistan.
Official Website: