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1st Place - Richardson LWV Essay Contest

By Taylor Wilson, Parkhill Jr. High School

Dallas, TX –

"Why I Will Register and Vote When I Turn Eighteen"

America - land of the free, and home of the brave. As Americans, we have rights that other countries aren't even offered. We are spoiled beyond measure; we control our own future and make our own decisions. One way this is depicted is through voting. Power lies within the people because we get to decide who we want to not only represent us, but our nation. Citizens over the age of eighteen can elect candidates for office, and they can choose to be nonpartisan.

Regardless of the number of people voting, one vote can change the future and have an impact on the lives of others. Suppose one has petitioned to their school asking to serve veggie burgers in the cafeteria. The number of people for the petition was 88, whereas the number of people against it was 89. With another vote, veggie burgers would have been served, but instead the students' requests are ignored. One vote counts. Even if one is not successful, one should still make an effort by voting.

When the Founding Fathers of this nation fought for independence, they risked their families, their fortunes, and their lives. Yet a powerful nation was born, and a democracy arose, supplying us with unalienable freedoms. I would rather fight and protest against the law than to be tortured each day by complacency. Instead of not caring about electing candidates to office, we need to take advantage of this opportunity. I will vote to honor the Founding Fathers of our past, I will vote to ensure a better life for my family, and I will vote to provide a brighter future for generations to come.

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