By J. Lyn Carl,
Austin, TX –
While Rep. Kent Grusendorf (R-Arlington) is defending his committee substitute to HB 2 on the House floor today, Democratic members of the House continue to tout their Learn and Live plan as an alternative.
While some Democrats tried desperately to engage Grusendorf in a discussion of HB 3 and the funding of public schools, the House Public Education Committee Chair kept returning to his HB 2 and "educational excellence" for students and schools.
"Today we have an opportunity to affect the tax cut," said Rep. Jim Dunnam (D-Waco), noting that the tax burden will continue to fall on the people who can least afford it. He said it would be fruitless to discuss HB 2 without also discussing HB 3.
"We're making sure we get better value out of every dollar we're spending," responded Grusendorf, ensuring schools will get "greater efficiency for every current dollar they have."
Dunnam questioned why a poor school district would have to be "more efficient" on less money than a rich district would have to be when it receives more money.
Grusendorf said not only does HB 2 provide a one-third decrease in maintenance and operation tax rates, but the rates cannot be increased again without taxpayer consent, ensuring "greater protection" for taxpayers than ever before.
The House Democrats will offer a number of amendments to HB 2 today.
They are also circulating a document showing how each school district in a number of Republican House members' districts will benefit from their plan.