KERA’s One Crisis Away project examines life for folks on the financial edge. Many senior citizens fall into that category. They might struggle with getting a job, paying for medicine, or managing wills and power of attorney.
That’s where Dallas County’s Elder Financial Safety Center comes in.
Renae Perry, is Chief Operations Officer for the Senior Source and digs into the financial challenges North Texas seniors face.
Interview Highlights: Renea Perry On…
….why seniors come into the Elder Financial Safety Center: “Prevention, protection and prosecution. With prevention services, older adults might need to know things about is their financial picture what it needs to be. Maybe they’re wanting to retire, is retirement an option. They’re about to turn 65 and looking at Medicare, are they making smart insurance decisions, is employment a need. In some situations, prevention isn’t going to help because that person lacks capacity and they really need protection and so that’s where working with the Dallas County Probate Courts comes into the picture. They’re able to look at and ensure protection of older adults who are particularly vulnerable through the guardianship process. And in cases where you see financial exploitation that’s already taken place, that’s where the District Attorney’s office comes into play and so they’re able to look at and prosecute financial exploitation situations for older adults.”
…on the most heartbreaking story she’s heard at the center: “There was one gentleman who called who was in tears because his son had taken basically his life savings, his retirement, and he was having to go back to work just to make ends meet. That was really sad and he said you know, this was my son, I never really thought I would ever be a person in this situation.
Call the Elder Financial Security Center: 214-823-5700 or 214-525-6130
Visit the Elder Financial Security Center online by clicking here
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