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Help For 'Tubies' In Jefferson City, Mo.

Danielle Peterson lives in Jefferson City, Mo., and has a chronic illness that requires her to be tube fed.
Courtesy of Danielle Peterson
Danielle Peterson lives in Jefferson City, Mo., and has a chronic illness that requires her to be tube fed.

This month we are collecting your stories about the good things Americans are doing to make their community a better place. Some of your contributions will become blog posts and the project will end with a story that weaves together submissions to make a story of Americans by Americans for Americans.

I have a little-known digestive tract paralysis (DTP) known as gastroparesis. I won't bore you with what gastroparesis is — you can Google it if you want — but mine is so severe I require a feeding tube that bypasses my non-functioning stomach. In my small town, very few people have feeding tubes.

That is why I want to thank the people who created the . It features information for everyone. They also have a Facebook page, where people can post questions and get real time answers from more experienced "tubies," as we call them in the community.

Danielle Peterson listens to : Mid-Missouri Public Radio.

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Danielle Peterson