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Texans Get More Shut-Eye Than Most Of The South’s Sleeping Adults

About 65-69 percent of Texans manage to get at least seven hours of rest each night, which is a healthy amount, according to a recent study published by the CDC.

Five stories that have North Texas talking: American adults don’t sleep very well; Jeb Bush called it quits; Bill Clinton will be in town tonight; “Don’t Mess With Texas” still rings true; and more.

Did you get enough sleep last night? If not, you’re statistically sound. Just about 65-69 percent of Texans manage to get at least seven hours of rest each night, which is a healthy amount, according to a recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


But Texas isn’t doing that much better than the rest of the South.

Credit Katie Park / NPR
Data is age-adjusted to the 2000 projected U.S. adult population.

Approximately 60-64 percent of people are sleeping well in southern states. NPR reported: “Overall, states in the Southeast do more poorly on sleep, says Anne Wheaton, an epidemiologist at the CDC and an author of the study. And she thinks that might have to do with other health issues that cluster in the same areas.”

Also, the demographic composition of the South contributes to the study’s results because African Americans and Hispanics are likely to live in densely populated neighborhoods (Noise and light disrupt sleep.) And these demographics likely experience unique stressors, Dr. Lauren Hale, a family and preventative medicine professor at Stony Brook University said.

“And even in the states full of good sleepers, only about 70 percent of adults say they're getting the recommended seven hours or more,” NPR reported.

So where can someone get a decent night’s sleep? Minnesota, South Dakota or Colorado. Explore the study. [NPR]


  • Jeb Bush ended his presidential campaign Saturday following a disappointing finish in the South Carolina Primary. The Texas Tribune reported: “Plenty of political observers faulted Bush’s performance as a candidate, often coming off as awkward on the campaign trail. But Austin-based political consultant Ted Delisi, who once worked for George W. Bush, said it was mostly a matter of the wrong candidate at the wrong time.”
"The people of Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken, and I really respect their decision. So tonight, I am suspending my campaign. I congratulate my competitors, that are remaining on the island, on their success in a race that has been hard-fought, just as the contest for the presidency should be because it is a tough job.”

Here is an updated list of presidential candidates. [Texas Tribune, NPR, The New York Times]

  • Former President Bill Clinton will speak tonight at Paul Quinn College in Dallas. Clinton’s campaigning on behalf of his wife, Hillary, who spent time in Houston this weekend for a Get Out the Vote organizing event. For those interested in tonight’s event, RSVP here. Doors will open at 4:40 p.m. and the event will begin at 5:45 p.m. in the student union, located at 3837 Simpson Stuart Road. [Fort Worth Star-Telegram]


  • Cooler, wetter weather conditions are returning this week in DFW. Winter is either shy or just plain lazy this year, but it's hard to complain. Today's high is nearly 15 degrees cooler than yesterday, which means it will reach almost 60 by the afternoon. Expect potential for showers today but more likely tomorrow as a storm system moves through Dallas. Up to two inches of beneficial rain is expected through Tuesday night.



  • “Don’t Mess With Texas” turns 30. The state’s unofficial slogan began as an anti-littering campaign in the ‘80s. The first commercial aired during the 1986 Cotton Bowl and it featured Stevie Ray Vaughan playing “The Eyes of Texas.” “[Tim] McClure, co-founder of the GSD&M ad agency, targeted the worst offenders of littering – younger men – with big-time personalities they’d already hold in high regard,” according to The Dallas Morning News. Watch videos of various personalities like Willie Nelson, George Foreman and Matthew McConaughey spreading the word throughout the decades. [The Dallas Morning News]

The Dallas Cowboys’ Randy White and Ed “Too Tall” Jones in 1986 PSA: