NPR for North Texas

A Friend Fleshes Out The Picture Of John Wiley Price: 'We Are All Stunned'

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Gerald Britt says County Commissioner John Wiley Price's arrest created an "incredible sadness" in the African American community.

A 107-page federal indictment of County Commissioner John Wiley Price and three others painted a picture of conspiracy, tax fraud, and nearly $1 million in bribes. Rev. Gerald Britt says that’s not the whole picture. Britt, who’s vice president for public policy at CitySquare, wrote an op-ed column in today’s Dallas Morning News about the case and sat down with KERA.

Interview Highlights: Gerald Britt…

…On the John Wiley Price he knows:

“The John Wiley Price that I know is an incredibly savvy and efficient politician. And I think should that picture have to merge with the picture in the indictments, that’s something that I’m going to have to deal with. But I know him personally as well as in his role as County Commissioner and you know, he’s a friend.”

…On how the African American community is responding to the arrest:

“I think to some degree we are all stunned. There are those of us that kind of figured it was going to happen. The government can indict a ham sandwich when it wants to, so an indictment doesn’t mean that he’s guilty. What most of us feel is an incredible sadness that it had to come to this. But you also know he’s not going to go out like that. He’s going to run this out until the end.”

…On the next generation of leaders:

“There will always be another generation to take over. I think that next generation of leaders will probably be more inclusive, to some degree, less likely to see and view issues through a racial lens and who are more determined to show their pride, if you will, through their effectiveness in office or their effectiveness in different areas. And that’s good to some degree. But at the same time, I don’t think any of us can or should forget what it means to be black in America.”

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Courtney Collins has been working as a broadcast journalist since graduating from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in 2004. Before coming to KERA in 2011, Courtney worked as a reporter for NPR member station WAMU in Washington D.C. While there she covered daily news and reported for the station’s weekly news magazine, Metro Connection.
Rick Holter was KERA's vice president of news. He oversaw news coverage on all of KERA's platforms – radio, digital and television. Under his leadership, KERA News earned more than 200 local, regional and national awards, including the station's first two national Edward R. Murrow Awards. He and the KERA News staff were also part of NPR's Ebola-coverage team that won a George Foster Peabody Award, broadcasting's highest honor.