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Cornyn: Earmarks Shouldn't Fund Dallas' Trinity Project

The Trinity River project’s most visible sign of progress may be delayed, but Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn says he will work shoulder to shoulder to make sure the rest of project is completed. But Cornyn says it will have to be done without earmarks. 
 On Friday Senator Cornyn spoke to business leaders in Dallas, just one day after state officials said the Margaret Hunt Hill bridge which spans the Trinity will open late.
The multi-year, multi-billion dollar Trinity project has been helped along by federal earmarks.  Once used as a way to fund pet projects back home, Republicans have declared a moratorium on earmarks.  Senator Cornyn said the Trinity project will still survive.
Cornyn:  There’s a lot we can do working with the Corps of Engineers on the regulatory part of this to help remove obstacles and help expedite the Trinity Corridor Project short of earmarks and we’re gonna look through every opportunity to do that.
When finished the Trinity project will protect Dallas from flooding, relieve traffic congestion and add green space.