By BJ Austin, KERA News
Dallas, TX – Dallas County Health officials are sure that Friday night football with the Ennis Lions is safe. KERA's BJ Austin reports health officials are getting calls from parents concerned about the tuberculosis investigation at Ennis High School. Basic TB Facts / Signs & Symptoms
State Health officials say out of 480 TB skin tests in Ennis, 128 came back positive. More tests including chest X-rays are being conducted on those cases. Dr. Steve Wilson, Dallas County Medial Director says a positive skin test does NOT mean that person is contagious. He says that's causing confusion and concern about Friday night football.
Wilson: So there could be football players who have a positive skin test, they don't have the active disease. They can't spread it to an opposing player.
Registered Nurse Susan Kent directs the county's TB testing program. She says players on the field and fans in the stands should not worry about being exposed to TB. She says it takes longer than four quarters of a game. And it takes closer, sustained contact.
Kent: Let's say you ride to work every day with someone who has active TB. Your chances of breathing that germ in and getting infected is much higher than with someone who walks by you at work.
The Ennis High School TB investigation began with a teacher, who is now on medical leave. Monday, the Dallas County Health Department's TB unit will be in Ennis, helping the state and Ellis County do more testing.