By Bill Zeeble, KERA News
Dallas, TX – The Dallas Independent School District says its fund reserve has grown to at least $60 million. That's an improvement over the recent past, but well short of what state officials suggest. KERA's Bill Zeeble has more
The DISD is projecting a surplus of $23 million for this current school year, upping its fund balance, or cash reserves. Last week, Dallas Superintendent Michael Hinojosa told KERA the balance would likely grow to at least $50 million. It now appears that balance will be greater by at least another $10 million.
Hinojosa praised district spending controls established by the Chief Financial Officer. The Superintendent said there's still a long way to go, but this is a vast improvement over the last two years. The district has struggled to overcome vast deficits that forced hundreds of teacher and staff layoffs.
The state recommends the Dallas school district's balance should be 3 times what it is now.