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Flights Canceled Over Snow & Midday Roundup

By KERA News & Wire Services

Dallas, TX –

Texas dealt with its second winter storm in as many weeks as scores of flights were canceled and snow fell as far south as Austin and San Antonio. A layer of white dusted the Texas Capitol on Tuesday. Austin police reported a marked increase in traffic accidents as overpasses began to accumulate slush and get slippery.

The National Weather Service says snow by Tuesday afternoon was recorded in Abilene, Arlington, Corsicana, Fort Worth, Gatesville, Hillsboro, San Angelo, Tyler and Waco. Texas Tech University in Lubbock started classes late on Tuesday due to inclement weather.

American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner says more than 100 flights were canceled Tuesday at its main hub, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. All flights were canceled Tuesday at San Angelo Regional Airport-Mathis Field due to snow on the runways.

Receiver wants political donations returned

The court-appointed receiver of R. Allen Stanford's empire is suing Democratic and Republican party organizations for a return of $1.6 million in Stanford political contributions.

Ralph Janvey filed the lawsuit in federal court in Dallas on Monday. Janvey says $1.6 million in political contributions made by the jailed Texas financier hasn't been returned by the defendants.

The largest unreturned contributions were $950,500 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and $238,500 to the National Republican Congressional Committee. Also named as defendants are the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which received $202,000; the Republican National Committee, recipient of $128,500; and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which got $83,345.

The committees either didn't return messages seeking comment or weren't accepting voicemail messages.

Janvey was placed in charge of Stanford's business empire after a Securities and Exchange Commission lawsuit accused Stanford of a $7 billion Ponzi scheme.

Life for Dallas man who killed girlfriend over TV

A Dallas man must serve life in prison for killing his longtime girlfriend, whose television was stolen and pawned.

Prosecutors say 49-year-old Danny Hollis pleaded guilty Monday to murder in the Feb. 26, 2009, shooting death of 65-year-old Mary Cleveland.

The pair had been together more than a dozen years.

Prosecutor Liz Rogers says Hollis previously took money and TV's from his girlfriend and she wanted to end their relationship. Investigators say Hollis pawned the TV, but the remote was found under Cleveland's body. His DNA was on the remote. Her DNA was on his coat.