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AT&T Drops Woods

By Bill Zeeble, KERA News

Dallas, TX –

Phone company giant AT&T, headquartered in Dallas, has dropped Tiger Woods as a sponsor following the golfer's sex scandal from November. KERA's Bill Zeeble has more.

Despite his accolades as sportsman of the decade and his wealth, Tiger Woods continues facing fallout from his infidelities. They've already cost him deals with Gillette, Proctor and Gamble and others.

AT&T wouldn't say what its deal with golf's international superstar was worth, either to Woods or to the the company, but AT&T wished Woods well. It will still sponsor the PGA National Golf Tournament, but Woods will no longer host it.

After a minor car accident November 27th, Woods's marital infidelities leaked out over the next week or so. The golfer has taken an indefinite leave from competition.

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