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Dallas' Back To School Fair Can Save You Money

By Bill Zeeble, KERA News

Dallas, TX –

The Dallas Mayor's back-to-school fair Thursday can save money for low income families needing necessary services and supplies. KERA's Bill Zeeble has more.

The 13th annual Fair Park event is expected to be the biggest ever. In this recession, at least a thousand more people pre-registered this year than last. Mayor Tom Leppert's Deputy Chief of Staff, Paula Blackmon, says the fair can be a priceless benefit to struggling families.

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Blackmon: What we're doing is giving school supplies out to children who qualify. And they have to meet poverty guildelines. But the fair is open to everybody to come for health screenings, dental screenings, haircuts, booknook, and we're going to give chocolate milk out to early ones at 6:30.

Blackmon says the fair officially opens at 8am and runs until 3pm. It's huge, occupying both the Centennnial and the Automobile Buildings.

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