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DISD Could Keep Trustees Another Year, Despite AG Ruling

By Bill Zeeble, KERA News

Dallas, TX – There might be no change in Dallas School Board representation for another year, despite a recent Texas Attorney General ruling to the contrary. KERA's Bill Zeeble explains.

Attorney General Greg Abbott ruled it was wrong when DISD trustees extended their terms from 3 to 4 years; a move which also cancelled 3 trustee elections for this Saturday. So yesterday, district lawyers gave board members two options. They can call a special election in November to fill the positions. Or they can appoint board members for another year. Dale Kaiser, with the teacher's organization NEA-Dallas, expects they'll just keep the current members.

Kaiser: The same trustees who are sitting in that room today will be the same trustees sitting in the room May 14th. Basically you're going to wind up with the same 3 trustees sitting in the chairs they're currently in. Board members have said if the Attorney General doesn't like it, his opinion is just that, and is not law.

Trustees are expected to pick an option at next week's board meeting. Trustees whose terms expire include Lee Ann Ellis, Ron Price, and Edwin Flores.

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