Federal officials say milk from dairy cows in Texas and Kansas has tested positive for bird flu. Officials with the Texas Animal Health Commission confirmed the flu virus is the Type A H5N1 strain, known for decades to cause outbreaks in birds and occasionally infect people.
The state’s poorest mothers are paying hundreds of dollars out of pocket when they find baby formula because they say they can’t risk waiting for the exact brand and size container covered by Texas’ Women, Infant and Children program.
The number of milk cows in the state is increasing, thanks to mild weather and expanded processing capacity.
People still buy milk from cows, but far less than before. Here's an expert's look at why and whether milk’s still essential to our diets.The federal…
Got milk? Increasingly, Americans don't, and that led the nation's biggest milk producer to file for bankruptcy Tuesday.Dallas-based Dean Foods blamed a…
A new study says milk when consumed with breakfast cereal may provide benefits for those managing diabetes.A well-balanced breakfast of carbohydrates,…