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North Texas Delegates Share Mixed Feelings About RNC

Mallory Benedict/PBS NewsHour

North Texas delegates are reporting both triumphs and disappointments from the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

While they're impressed with party leadership and unity, they’re concerned about some aspects of the convention itself.

Delegates from all over North Texas have poured into Tampa Bay to attend the 2012 Republican National Convention.

Originally delayed by then-Tropical Storm Isaac, events are now running on schedule.

Some controversy erupted Tuesday when a voice vote was called to adopt rules that would, among other things, strengthen measures to compel delegates to vote with their state.

Delegates like Tarrant County’s Jennifer Hall said that voice vote was too close to call, but the RNC ruled differently.

"In the opinion of the chair, he said, the ayes have it, and it was scripted on the teleprompter. So, I really feel like it was all planned out, and it didn’t matter what the delegates had to say," Hall said.

Despite her concern that the RNC is trying to exert control, Hall said she really enjoyed connecting with the other delegates.

“I have met delegates from across our country and hearing the things that we have in common and the unification of the delegates themselves, I’m very impressed with that, I would like for the RNC to kind of take notice of that," Hall said.

Another snag delegates are reporting concerns transportation. Denton County Republican Party Chair and alternate delegate Dianne Edmondson says leaving the convention once the session wraps has been a major challenge.

"There didn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason to how they were loading people onto the buses and no leadership as far as trying to make sure people got to the right bus once they were transported to Raymond James Stadium. If you are staying at Saddlebrook like we are and you get on the bus for the Hilton, you are just out of luck, you are going to be stuck at the Hilton," she said.

Despite transportation issues, Collin County delegate Susan Fletcher has really enjoyed being part of the convention and said Senate hopeful Ted Cruz’s speech was definitely a bright spot.

"Oh, it was a wonderful speech, he really got the crowd excited, the Texas delegation was on our feet several times during that, I had my Constitution out and was holding it up because he was telling the love story about the Constitution," Fletcher said.

Fletcher said while the speech was inspiring, she was even more impressed that Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst came out to support Cruz despite losing to him in the state’s GOP primary. Fletcher says that’s another reason she’s proud to be part of the Texas delegation.

Courtney Collins has been working as a broadcast journalist since graduating from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in 2004. Before coming to KERA in 2011, Courtney worked as a reporter for NPR member station WAMU in Washington D.C. While there she covered daily news and reported for the station’s weekly news magazine, Metro Connection.