Paul DeBenedetto | Houston Public Media
House Bill 20 was passed after several conservatives — most notably, former President Donald Trump — were banned on social media platforms.
Lawyers for the social media companies say the law, HB 20, is an infringement on their First Amendment rights.
Hidalgo has not been indicted, and has denied any wrongdoing.
Ezra Blount was on his father’s shoulders at the concert when the crowd began to surge toward the stage.
The family of a deceased 21-year-old man and another man who was allegedly trampled during the event are among those who have sued.
Castro and 25 other members of Congress argued in a letter that the policy is likely illegal, and wanted an investigation into the state’s treatment of migrants crossing the border.
Scattered among throngs of Astros diehards at Minute Maid Park during games 1 and 2 of the World Series were a surprising number of people sporting Braves jerseys. Here’s why.
The Astros will have homefield advantage, with games 1 and 2 at Minute Maid Park this week.
Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday issued executive order GA-40, prohibiting any entity in Texas — including private businesses — from requiring vaccinations from employees or customers.
The bill would allow county party leaders, candidates, judges and political committees to formally ask the Texas secretary of state's office to review any "irregularities" in an election.
The judge will hear arguments over whether the implementation of Senate Bill 8 should be put on hold pending a ruling on its constitutionality.
Wind speeds reached 50 mph in Galveston after the storm made landfall along Matagorda Bay just after midnight, before slowly travelling Northeast.