Grand Prairie Mayor Ron Jensen late last night announced the city's tap water is safe to drink again.
"I'm elated. It took a lot of work, a lot of flushing. ... Our team's done a great job," Jensen said at a press conference.
State testing indicated the city had managed to flush out a foam used for firefighting that backflowed into the water system.
Residents were asked to flush their water lines Thursday night in three phases starting at 9 p.m.
Thank you for your patience as we work to restore water service. We are ready to begin the water-flushing phase (or water-clearing process). To avoid a boiling water activation, we must carry out this phase by zones: Zone 1 (9 p.m.), Zone 2 (10 p.m.), and Zone 3 (11 p.m.)....
— City of Grand Prairie, TX (@gp_tx) September 6, 2024
Grand Prairie ISD is closed again Friday as workers flush water lines. School officials say classes will resume Monday.
The school district is once again offering grab-and-go lunches for students from 12:30 – 2 p.m. at several schools campuses:
- Ochoa STEM Academy at Ben Milam Elementary, 2030 Proctor Drive
- Global Leadership Academy at Barbara Bush Elementary, 511 E. Springdale Lane
- Florence Hill Elementary, 4213 Robinson Road
- Travis World Language Academy, 525 N. E. 15th Street
- Rayburn Elementary STEAM Academy, 2800 Reforma Drive
- Bowie Fine Arts Academy, 425 Alice Drive
- Daniels Academy of Science and Math, 801 M L King Jr. Blvd.
- Jackson Middle School, 3504 Corn Valley Road
Tips for flushing household plumbing
Starting with the outside faucet farthest from your meter, run water through the faucet until you notice a change in water temperature. Then shut the faucet off.
Working back towards the water meter, continue flushing one faucet or water fixture at a time. Remove the aerator before you flush kitchen or bathroom faucets. At each faucet, this flushing procedure should take five minutes or less.
After you have flushed your household plumbing do the following:
- Replace water filters
- Flush automatic ice makers by making three batches of ice and discard it. Do this to every ice maker in your home.
- Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle
- Be sure to drain and refill your water heater.
- Throw away any water used in humidifiers, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), oral, medical or healthcare devices, and rinse the device with clean water.