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Dallas Judge’s Hug Not Embraced By All After Former Officer’s Trial

Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News via AP
State District Judge Tammy Kemp gives former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger a hug before Guyger leaves for jail on Wednesday.

A Texas judge who hugged a former Dallas police officer convicted of murder and gave her a Bible is coming under scrutiny over whether she crossed an ethical line.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation on Thursday filed a complaint against Judge Tammy Kemp with a Texas state agency that investigates allegations of judicial misconduct.

The Wisconsin-based group says Kemp went too far after Amber Guyger was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Guyger, who is white, was convicted of fatally shooting her black neighbor in his apartment.

Kemp, who is black, has also been criticized by activists who wondered whether a black defendant would get the same treatment.

Kemp didn’t return requests for comment.

Her former boss, ex-Dallas prosecutor Craig Watkins, says Kemp is guided by faith and that he doesn’t think her actions were out of bounds.