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Memorial To 5 Officers Killed In Dallas Unveiled

After a solemn ceremony, Dallas city and police officials unveiled a sculpture honoring five police officers killed in a sniper attack in downtown Dallas three years ago.

Credit Stella Chavez / KERA News
A memorial for the Dallas officers killed on July 7, 2016, was unveiled Monday morning. It stands in from of Dallas Police headquarters.

Sunday marked three years since Micah Johnson opened fire on a peaceful protest. The Army veteran killed four Dallas police officers and one transit officer. Authorities killed Johnson using a robot-delivered bomb. July 7, 2016, is considered the deadliest day for U.S. law enforcement since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

A sculpture honoring Dallas officers Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael Smith, and Patrick Zamarripa, and Dallas Area Rapid Transit Officer Brent Thompson was unveiled Monday in front of police headquarters.

Downtown Dallas was again the site of a high-profile shooting last month, when a masked gunman attacked a federal courthouse. The gunman was the only fatality.