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President Donald Trump's Tweets, Annotated

Chelsea Beck

President Trump tweets a lot. With tens of millions of followers on Twitter, Trump proposes policy, shares his latest actions and reacts to the news. 

But 140 characters rarely gives the full context. Here, NPR reporters attempt to do just that for key tweets.

NPR’s politics team and reporters across the newsroom will be looking at the president’s tweets and annotating them to put them in a broader political and policy context and to share more in-depth reporting on the topics he brings up. 

Journalists won’t be writing about every tweet – just the ones that they can add something substantive to, and ones that could have larger implications.

Tweets from both Trump's personal account and official POTUS account will be subject to annotation.

The plan is to add to annotate Trump's tweets as necessary, so check back often to learn more about new developments as the 45th president posts on social media. 

Here are related stories about Trump's digital transition:
