Over the course of the pandemic, Americans’ credit card balances have been on a roller coaster.
At the beginning, people paid down a whopping $120 billion worth of credit card debt, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Over the last several months, though, credit card balances have gone back up, and fast. Now, while the overall debt from credit cards is still below pre-pandemic levels, experts expect balances to continue to rise and possibly reach a historic high.
If you’re one of the many North Texans who have been pulling out the credit card more often, KERA News wants to hear from you for a story about what’s driving this trend. We're specifically looking for folks who are not able to pay off the balance in full each month.
How have the pandemic and inflation influenced your credit card spending? How are you feeling about credit card debt and your household’s financial outlook? What did the end of the expanded child tax credit payments mean for your family?
To get started, please fill out this brief survey. It’ll take about five minutes, and KERA will not share or publish your information without getting in touch with you first.