Meet Hallie: for much of her young life, the 7-year-old Denton 2nd grader, has been looking for something you can’t buy in a store: She’s searching for someone who could save her life. There’s a chance you could help.
The story of Hallie Bea, as she’s affectionately called, was shared with me by Delete Blood Cancer DKMS, one of the world’s largest network of donor centers.
Hallie was just an infant when she was diagnosed with diamond blackfan anemia, a very rare condition where the bone marrow is unable to produce enough red blood cells. Blood transfusions and steroids keep her disease in check for now, but a bone marrow transplant is her only hope for a cure.
Hallie’s younger brother and sister are perfect matches for each other, but not for Hallie, and a matching donor has not been found among the over 27 million potential bone marrow donors worldwide. Hallie’s Heroes will be holding a bone marrow donor drive on Saturday, April 2 from 12pm – 5pm at the Denton Courthouse Lawn on the Square following a 5K benefitting Hallie’s Heroes in Denton.
Every day thousands of patients search for a bone marrow donor match. Only four out of 10 patients are lucky enough to receive a transplant. The only way to change those odds is by ensuring there are more potential donors available for patients in need like Hallie. Registration is simple and consists of swabbing the inside of the mouth and completing a registration form. Anyone in good health between the ages of 18 to 55 is eligible. Those who are unable to attend the drive may still learn more and register as a donor online at
For more information or to register as a bone marrow donor, please visit