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DISD: Immunize Now

Immunizations are required for all Texas public school students. District leaders say now’s the time to get the required shots, or your child could be turned away from class.

Dallas, Fort Worth and other school officials want parents to avoid the last-minute immunization rush before school starts August 27th. Pre-k through 12th grade students must have the appropriate shots in time or risk missing class.

Updates to required immunizations for youngsters include Mumps, Measles and Rubella as well as Hepatitis-A and Varicella shots. A Meningococcal dose is also required for grades 7 through 10. Affordable shots are offered by the county.

But after recent State policy changes, a person with health insurance who previously got vaccines from the county may be told to get the shots from their own doctor if the clinic lacks private stock vaccines.

For more information, parents are encouraged to contact their insurance provider or visit:

For Tarrant County, visit:

Bill Zeeble has been a full-time reporter at KERA since 1992, covering everything from medicine to the Mavericks and education to environmental issues.