News for North Texas

Angela Phillips is youngest candidate for Dallas office

By Catherine Cuellar, KERA 90.1 Reporter

Dallas, TX –

Catherine Cuellar, 90.1 Reporter: While most high school seniors slept in this morning - the first day of spring break - one was at city hall to file her petition for Dallas District 3 as soon as the city secretary's office opened.

City secretary: Good morning, what can we do for you?

Angela Phillips: I need to file to run for city council.

Secretary: and your name please?

Phillips: Angela Phillips.

Cuellar: Historically 18 to 25-year-olds have had the lowest turnout in local elections. Phillips, a senior at Bishop Dunne high school in North Oak Cliff, is not yet old enough to vote, but has been walking and talking with her neighbors about her campaign.

District 3 resident: What made you want to run for city council?

Phillips: I'm pretty upset with the current state of politicians in America and I'm not a politician myself and think I can represent this district better because I'm coming from the heart, and I love this district, and I've lived here all my life, and I'm not run from behind the scenes or by a corporation.

Cuellar: Some quizzed Phillips on local issues before signing her petition.

Danna Fridell: So where are you on the Trinity Project?

Phillips: I support Angela Hunt on the Trinity Project

Fridell: More with the green space, less with the road.

Phillips: Yes.

Fridell: Any other issues you're particularly interested in?

Angela: One of the other major issues I think would be a great economic draw, especially for north Oak Cliff, is getting an extension with the DART rail station and trolley system here in our district. It would benefit District 1 as well. The trolley line can extend to the Bishop Arts District and the Bishop Arts District can be as developed as much if not more than Uptown.

Cuellar: Angela is a straight A student and varsity athlete, who won her second state girl's wrestling championship Saturday. Last year she volunteered for the campaign of state supreme court candidate Charles Waterbury, even though she won't be 18 until May. She acted in the Shakespearean play "A Comedy of Errors" with Junior Players and was a charter performer at the Dallas Theater Center's DaVerse Lounge, a monthly open mike for young spoken word artists. Phillips' former school teacher and DaVerse lounge host Will Richey doesn't live in District 3, but supports her candidacy.

Will Richey: I am always very intrigued by people who offer something different than the status quo. Angela's saying I'm a young girl. I've got some beliefs. I've got some people who will support me. I'm just going to go after it and do it. You need that breath of fresh air. Of course, since I've taught her and followed her I'd definitely vote for her.

Cuellar: Phillips' has the support of her high school and her parents, who will excuse her from class to attend candidate orientation on March 20th. She also has the support of her classmate and neighbor Doug Fielder, who turned 18 in February.

Doug Fielder: These city council elections will be my first time to vote. I think she could bring in a lot of new voters and get younger people inspired in the community and politics in general.

Cuellar: If Phillips wins, she'll postpone college to continue her education at city hall. Her fallback plan is to enroll eat the University of North Texas or the University of Kansas, where she's been accepted. She still awaits acceptance letters from three other colleges.
For KERA 90.1, I'm Catherine Cuellar

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