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Update: American Identifies 13,000 For Layoffs

Jonathan Moreau (cc) flickr

American Airlines spokesman Bruce Hicks says briefings continue with union reps and members, but this is the tentative breakdown of job losses.

Latest Update from American Airlines at 1:16pm:

Expected Employee Reductions:

Agents, Reps, Planners – TBD, the ARP restructuring plan is still under development as the company collects and analyzes employee feedback.

Fleet Service & Other TWU – Approximately 4,200 Flight Attendants – Approximately 2,300 Management/Support Staff – Approximately 1,400 Mechanics and Related – Approximately 4,600 Pilots – Approximately 400 Total – Approximately 13,000

12:04pm: American Airlines CEO Tom Horton has provided media with initial details of the airlines restructuring proposal.

Horton did not address whether the profit sharing plan was related to changes in the company’s pension plan.

Included in the plan are features that would affect jobs.

They include the following:

Savings in employee-related costs of more than $1.25 billion per year. All workgroups will have total costs reduced by 20 percent, including management. A profit sharing plan that would pay awards totaling 15 percent of all pre-tax income.

More Information available at:

Following is the entire letter released by Horton:

02-01-2012 Letter

Former KERA reporter BJ Austin spent more than 25 years in broadcast journalism, anchoring and reporting in Atlanta, New York, New Orleans and Dallas. Along the way, she covered Atlanta City Hall, the Georgia Legislature and the corruption trials of Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards.