The holidays and airports go hand-in-hand, and it can be a harrowing holiday tradition. And this year, changes at Dallas Love Field may prove a challenge for travelers. KERA’s Courtney Collins explains.
That’s a familiar sound for holiday travelers, but not necessarily a soothing one. When asked about airports at Christmas, most people don’t have happy thoughts.
Caviness: Dread, haha! Chaos and dreading and waiting and stuff like that.”
Janette Caviness is waiting at baggage claim for some family to arrive. There’s a lot of construction happening at Love Field this season. But Caviness admits, this airport experience has been smooth, scaffolding and all.
Caviness: I really wasn’t bothered by the construction because we went right into the parking facility.”
Due to construction, you can no longer park outside the terminal and wait for friends and family to deplane. That’s something Kenneth Cothron noticed right away.
Cothron: “Used to be there was some drive-in parking outside where you could drive in and wait. I notice that’s been done away with so we had to go to the garage this time.”
Until Love Field’s modernization project wraps up, construction will affect parking and the size of terminal lobbies. But spokesperson Jose Torres says as long as you pay attention to the signs, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting around.
Torres: “One of the things that we experience is we put up the signage but no matter how many signs we put out there, some passengers just don’t read they just walk and then when they get there, they realize they’re in the wrong place.”
And with or without construction, Torres says you should always arrive 90 minutes before your flight this time of year.