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Forget ‘Sharknado’! Are You Ready For ‘Tornadillo’?

PE Bloggers

Update, 11:45 a.m.: Breaking news! The Syfy Channel’s movie (and social media sensation) Sharknado, which chomps through prime time again tonight, will have a sequel, the ​​New York Times reports. We’re sure the re-imagined horrors, this time set in New York, will take a bite out of the Big Apple. But what if the Syfy schlockmeisters set their sights on Big D? We've got some suggestions for Texas twists, but we also want to hear yours -- weigh in on our Facebook page or in the comments section below.

Our original post: "Instead of letting live sharks rain down on people, we're going to get into that chopper and throw bombs into the tornadoes."

That’s not a Deep Thought by Jack Handey, it’s an actual line from the Syfy movie Sharknado. It you haven’t seen it yet, fear not. The gruesome, campy feature hits the airwaves again tonight. The “so bad it’s good” factor is off the charts, which explains why the initial airing nearly broke Twitter. The dialogue may be atrocious and the violence gratuitous, but the whole world is riveted.

But why here? We’re North Texans! We’re landlocked. Sure, we occasionally see a twister, but we’re a surfer-less culture more likely to wear cowboy hats than wetsuits.

In all fairness, Sharknado doesn’t stick to normal shark-attack boundaries. Yes, some early victims are gobbled up in the ocean, but as the movie progresses, sharks fall from the sky, eating their way through swimming pools, foyers, freeway access roads and airplane hangars. If a giant hammerhead can crash through someone’s roof in Los Angeles, it’s equally possible in Dallas or Fort Worth.

Folks in Tornado Alley are used to severe weather, but how might the North Texas version of this story go if Syfy unleashed its vision on the Lone Star State? Would we all strap on hard hats and goggles to dodge the hazards of Tornadillo? Should we hunker down, shrouded in netting to protect ourselves from Mosquitonami? Could venomous vertebrates take over the Metroplex after Rattlesnakequake?

Some people will watch Sharknado for the toothy ridiculousness of it all. Others will tune in for Tara Reid’s Razzie-worthy performance. Maybe you’re only sitting through it for the Twitter possibility. But one question lingers: if Sharknado can captivate the world, what kind of an impact could the North Texas version have?

Let us know your ideas on the KERA News Facebook page or in the comments below.

Courtney Collins has been working as a broadcast journalist since graduating from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in 2004. Before coming to KERA in 2011, Courtney worked as a reporter for NPR member station WAMU in Washington D.C. While there she covered daily news and reported for the station’s weekly news magazine, Metro Connection.