By Bill Zeeble, KERA reporter
Farmers Branch, TX – Bill Zeeble: Citing several legal precedents, Judge Sam Lindsay ruled in part, that Farmers Branch overstepped its bounds with ordinance 2903. Attorney Bill Brewer, who represents landlords in the suit, said the 20 page decision also mentioned violations of individuals' rights, & other legal violations.
Bill Brewer, attorney: This local ordinance would deprive people lawfully here in the U.S. the ability to rent an apartment in Farmers Branch.
Zeeble: Later on the same day as Judge Lindsay's ruling, two new Farmers Branch councilmen who backed 2903 were sworn in, to the applause of citizens.
Tim Scott and Dave Koch ran winning campaigns driven primarily by their support of the ordinance. Koch, a lawyer, says that whatever the reasoning behind the judge's lengthy ruling, the city will prevail in its desire to enforce its rule.
David Koch, new council member: We're prepared and will be aggressive in our defense of the city and make sure opponents don't overstep bounds at all.
Zeeble: Meanwhile, the Farmers Branch attorney says he figures he's got a fair amount of work ahead of him, in preparation for the hearing that's expected in the next 2 weeks. For KERA 90.1 I'm Bill Zeeble